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Fungicide Liquid Concentrate

Reckoning Fungicide


Reckoning is the go-to choice for any organic or conventional grower. GroPro bio-fungicide has been trialed heavily in direct comparison against traditional chemistries used in the field today. Those trials have shown that the Reckoning formulation is a practical addition to an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach. Reckoning not only outperforms other bio-fungicides in third-party field testing but has shown that it provides superior control. Most biological-based fungicides need to be applied before infection or disease outbreak. Reckoning can be used when active botrytis is noticed, allowing for a knockdown and kill while also delivering preventative control.


Application Options

Like all of the GroPro lines, Reckoning is tank compatible, allowing for a single tank mix for complete control. This will enable Reckoning to be added to other fungicides, insecticides, and nutrients. Unlike other biologicals, you will be able to acidify the tank if needed for your other materials without compromising Reckoning's efficacy.  


How we Work

Reckoning strikes the botrytis inducing an immediate imbalance in the K+ ions inside the mycelium. It inhibits mycelium proliferation and prevents the germ tube from increasing. Once applied, Reckoning will actively attack any botrytis that is actively growing. As a preventative, Reckoning waits on the surface of the plant, continually attacking any botrytis spore as it attempts to take form and provides 14 days of preventive action.


Environmental, Export, and Workers

Reckoning provides a safe approach to your botrytis program. The Reckoning formulation delivers superior environmental and worker safety. Reckoning is classified as a FIFRA 25 (b) based material, meaning that it uses materials the EPA finds as reduced risk. Reckoning has a zero-material residue limit allowing for a safe export and a zero pre-harvest interval and allowing a quick return to the field if sprayed with other GroPro materials.

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