Turf & Ornamental Broad Spectrum Liquid Fungicide Concentrate
Mildew Eradication
Turf and Ornamental Bio-Fungicide
Zealous bio-fungicide has gone head-to-head against multiple conventionally formulated fungicides, and has been an effective addition to an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach. Zealous not only outperforms the bio-fungicides in third-party field testing but has shown that it will provide full-spectrum control. Most biological-based fungicides need to build up to provide control, but as growers and agronomists know, there is no such thing as a clean field. This is why Zealous is in a class of its own in the biological field, as Zealous provides contact kill and preventative action.
Application Options
Zealous is tank compatible, allowing for a single tank mix for complete control. This will enable Zealous to be added to other fungicides, insecticides, and nutrients. Unlike other biologicals, you will be able to acidify the tank if needed for your other materials without compromising Zealous efficacy.
How we Work
Once applied, Zealous will actively attack any mildew that is growing. Zealous strikes the mildew germ tube inducing an immediate imbalance in the K+ ions inside the mycelium. Zealous also causes retardation to the spore germination and actively destroys the mildew pathogen cells. It inhibits mycelium proliferation and prevents the germ tube from growing.
Environmental, Export, and Workers
Zealous provides a safe approach to your fungicide program. Zealous formulation delivers superior environmental and worker safety. Zealous is classified as a FIFRA 25 (b) based material, meaning that it uses materials the EPA finds as reduced risk. Zealous has a zero-material residue limit allowing for a safe export and a zero pre-harvest interval and allowing a quick return to the field if sprayed with other GroPro materials.